Meet Dr Shari Prove

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Dr Shari Prove


Shari has been making Ethos patients smile for over 25 years! She is very family-oriented and loves to get to know her patients and their experiences during treatment. Shari takes great pride in her work, and loves nothing more than seeing the delight in the faces of her patients when they see their brand new smiles! Her favourite part about working at Ethos is the collaborative, friendly atmosphere and the dedication across the team to providing the best experience for all patients.

Shari graduated with First Class Honours in Dental Science from the University of Queensland, before completing her postgraduate studies a number of years later. She is interested in all aspects of orthodontics, but particularly enjoys the challenge of managing impacted canines and missing lateral incisors.

Outside of work, Shari loves to get active with her family of three children, from hiking and running to pilates. She is also an avid cook and very musically gifted, being able to play the piano, violin and flute!

Shari works at our North Lakes and Clayfield branches.

Member of the Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO)
Member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA)


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