Meet Dr Marcus Tod

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Dr Marcus Tod


Marcus is a self-confessed ‘dentistry nerd’. Ever since he had braces as a child he has been fascinated by orthodontics, and now channels this into managing complex cases with the latest innovations. His favourite part about working at Ethos is the incredibly positive work environment, as the energy and enthusiasm of everyone plays a huge role in the care and attention that is given to patients.

Marcus studied dentistry at the University of Queensland, where he first met Kent Farmer, the other founding orthodontist of Ethos. Marcus graduated in 1985 with First Class Honours and spent six years working as a dentist in both Melbourne and Brisbane before returning to UQ to complete his Master’s degree in Orthodontics. 

Outside of work you will find Marcus in the great outdoors: hiking, cycling, dirt biking, or rounding up cattle on his family farm. 

Marcus has enjoyed two great ongoing partnerships in life: first and foremost with his wife of 34 years, Christine; and secondly, establishing and building Ethos Orthodontics with Dr Kent Farmer over almost 30 years.

You’ll find Marcus’ smiling face at our Upper Mt Gravatt and Clayfield branches.

Member of the Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO)


Dr Kent Farmer


Dr Shari Prove


Dr Cath O’Shea

BDSc DClin Dent(Orth) MOrth RCS(Ed) MRACDS

Dr Oscar Renison

BDSC (Oral Health) MDSC (Ortho)

Dr Anna Chang

BDSc (Hon) MDSc (Ortho) MRACDS (Ortho) BPharm

Dr Kate Barker

BDSc DClin Dent(Orth) MOrth MFDSFCSEd MPhil

Dr Steve Atkin


Dr James English

BDSc DClin Dent (Ortho)

Dr Ting Lin

BDSC (Hons), FRACDS (GDP), DClinDent (Ortho), MRACDS (Ortho)

Dr Melissa Nguyen

BDSs (Oral Health) DClinDent (Ortho) MRACDS (Ortho)

Dr Julia Dando

BDS (Wales) FDSRCS (Edin) MMedSci MOrthRCS (Eng) MRACDS

Dr Nadine McGiffin

BChD (Bachelor of Dental Surgery), Master of Science in Orthodontics (M.Sc Ortho)

Dr Keith Chan

Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science, Graduate Diploma in Dentistry, Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics)

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